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First REXX Symposium Announcement -- 17 May 1990

                          Are you
                        a REXX User,
                     a REXX Developer,
      interested in hearing about current REXX work or
                    REXX future plans???
                           If so,
         you are cordially invited to attend a free
                       REXX SYMPOSIUM
                  for Developers and Users
          Keynote Speaker: Mike Cowlishaw, author
             Also featuring developers of REXX
           for Unix, VAX, OS/2, Tandem, and Amiga
                   Monday, June 11, 1990
                    (no lunch provided)
            Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
                   Reservations Required:
         Nancy Larson            Cathie Dager
         (415) 926-2287          (415) 926-2904