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3-5 May 1999
Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.

Sponsored by the Rexx Language Association


The 10th International Rexx Symposium for Developers and Users will be held in Jacksonville, Florida on 3-5 May, 1999.  The Symposium program provides a focal point for information about Rexx and a venue for technical interchange among members of the Rexx community.

The technical program features topics that range from application development to issues associated with the implementation of Rexx interpreters.  Vendor presentations highlight new or enhanced product offerings.  Presentations also span the full range of platforms on which Rexx is implemented.

Mike Cowlishaw, author of Rexx and NetRexx, will attend and speak.

Papers and presentations are now being solicited for the technical program.  Presentations in the following topic areas are of particular interest

  • Rexx in client/server applications
  • interesting Rexx applications/solutions/utilities
  • status of current Rexx implementations (e.g. commercial, Open Source Software)
  • packages that provide language extensions (e.g. Rexx function packages, Object Rexx class definitions)
  • Rexx compilers
  • products that use Rexx as a scripting or macro language
  • Rexx support for OS/2's SOM/WPS and Windows95/NT's       OLEAutomation/ActiveX-Scripting or/and WSH-support
  • Rexx and emerging technologies, including the Internet and the Web
  • designing applications for performance and portability
  • re-hosting applications that use Rexx
  • rapid prototyping in Rexx
  • large-scale or mission-critical Rexx applications
  • multi-platform applications
  • Object Rexx (Rexx with a full implementation of the object-oriented paradigm running under AIX, Linux, OS/2, Windows/95, Windows/NT)
  • NetRexx (Java with a Rexx-style syntax, running on all platforms where Java runs)

Papers of all levels are requested: introductionary, inter-mediate and expert/scientific.

Presentations in other topic areas are also welcome.

Sessions are 45 minutes, including time for questions.

Abstracts for proposed presentations should be submitted to the Symposium Committee for review.  Submissions should include the title, speaker(s), AV requirements (LCD computer projection device to be available), and an abstract not to exceed 500 words.  They may be submitted electronically to:




Abstracts must be received no later than March 24th, 1999. Please indicate the planned level (introductionary, intermediate, expert/scientific).

Speakers will be notified by March 31st, 1999.

Call for Papers (CFP), Registration and lodging information are available from the Rexx Symposium Announcement at:


Rexx Homepage of the "father" of Rexx, Mike F. Cowlishaw, with many links to interesting Rexx-related pages:

For questions about the Symposium send mail to president@RexxLA.org.

Rexx Symposium Committee: Chip Davis, Rony G. Flatscher, Mark Hessling, John J. Urbaniak, Gwen L. Veneskey, David Wells