IBM REXX Family | ![]() |
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19 Apr 1988 LETNO ZP88-0218 DATE 880419 Programming Announcement TITLE TSO EXTENSIONS (TSO/E) VERSION 2 o 5685-025 ABSTRACT IBM announces TSO Extensions Version 2, which provides the INTERACTIVE capability for MVS/System Product (TM) Version 3, including all the functions of TSO/E Version 1, and many significant new functions. TEXT TSO/E Version 2 will be the base for future Systems Application Architecture (SAA) enhancements in TSO. To enhance that environment, TSO/E Version 2 supports the Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language. TSO/E Version 2 also uses the Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF) to provide performance enhancements to CLISTs. TSO/E Version 2 takes advantage of the new Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 (ESA/370 (TM)). PLANNED GENERAL AVAILABILITY: MVS/ESA Feature: Fourth Quarter, 1988 MVS/XA Feature : First Quarter, 1989 National Language Support (NLS) translations will be available Second Quarter, 1989. ***************************************************************** * * * IBM PROGRAMMING INFORMATION APRIL 1988 * * * * IBM PROGRAMMING INFORMATION * * for Europe, the Middle East * * IBM PROGRAMMING INFORMATION and Africa. * * * ***************************************************************** * * * This document is provided as general customer information * * only. IBM products and services which are announced and * * available in your country can be ordered under the applicable * * standard agreements, terms, conditions and prices in effect * * at the time. For further information please contact your * * local IBM representative. * * * ***************************************************************** ================================================================= ZP88-0218 TSO EXTENSIONS (TSO/E) VERSION 2 o 5685-025 IBM announces TSO Extensions Version 2, which provides the INTERACTIVE capability for MVS/System Product (TM) Version 3, including all the functions of TSO/E Version 1, and many significant new functions. TSO/E Version 2 will be the base for future Systems Application Architecture (SAA) enhancements in TSO. To enhance that environment, TSO/E Version 2 supports the Restructured Extended Executor (REXX) language. TSO/E Version 2 also uses the Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF) to provide performance enhancements to CLISTs. TSO Extensions Version 2 takes advantage of the new Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 (ESA/370 (TM)). HIGHLIGHTS o TSO/E Version 2 MVS/ESA Feature - REXX language support - Utilization of Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 (ESA/370) - Installation simplification enhancements, including DYNAMIC updates - Enhancements to the Application Manager function of the Information Center Facility - Additional MVS/ESA Feature enhancements o TSO/E Version 2 MVS/XA Feature - REXX language support - Additional enhancements MVS/ESA FEATURE DESCRIPTION REXX TSO Extensions Version 2 provides REXX language support for users in the TSO/E environment as well as MVS applications outside the TSO/E environment. REXX, a high-level procedural language, enables programmers to intermix REXX instructions and TSO/E commands in programs called EXECs. EXECs and CLISTs can be combined in an application, call each other and can call and be called by existing CLISTs and TSO/E programs. REXX is an attractive alternative to the CLIST language, as the REXX EXECs are much easier to code, yielding greater programming productivity. The procedures interface for Systems Application Architecture (SAA) is a subset of REXX, therefore the elements of REXX that are listed in the procedures interface are easily portable across IBM systems. UTILIZATION OF ESA/370 TSO Extensions Version 2 takes advantage of, and supports the new Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 (ESA/370). Use of the Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF) in CLIST and REXX processing helps to reduce data set I/O and DASD contention. TEST command enhancements enable users to test and debug programs that use Advanced Address Space Facilities. For detailed information of ESA/370 refer to Programming Announcements Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 and MVS/System Product Version 3 (ZP88-0153) dated February 15, 1988, and MVS/System Product Version 3 Release 1.0 dated April 19, 1988. INSTALLATION SIMPLIFICATION System programmers can list and DYNAMICALLY update TSO/E Version 2 defaults without having to re-IPL the MVS system. A new Table Look-up service enables programmers to determine if a given program or command is defined as authorized, its use is prohibited in the background, or it is supported through the TSO Service Routine. INFORMATION CENTER FACILITY ENHANCEMENTS The Application Manager administration dialogs have been enhanced to allow administrators to create installation files from existing applications, to replace applications without first deleting them, and to specify the CLIST and REXX libraries required by each application. ADDITIONAL MVS/ESA FEATURE ENHANCEMENTS DYNAMIC DEFINITION OF CLIST AND REXX EXEC LIBRARIES: The ALTLIB command enables users to DYNAMICALLY define user or application libraries containing CLISTs and REXX EXECs. Dynamic definition of user and application libraries provides a potential performance benefit by reducing the time it takes to search for these libraries. NEW EXITS: TSO/E Version 2 offers installations many opportunities to customize their systems using new exits associated with REXX processing. TESTING APF-AUTHORIZED PROGRAMS: The TESTAUTH command provides, in an APF-authorized environment, the functions that the TEST command provides in a non-APF authorized environment. DATA FACILITY STORAGE MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM (DFSMS): TSO Extensions Version 2 supports the Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) function of the MVS/Data Facility Product (MVS/DFP) (TM) Version 3 Product. Users can separate the logical storage requirements from the physical device characteristics when allocating a data set. DYNAMIC DEFINITION AND FREEING OF OUTPUT DESCRIPTORS: TSO Extensions Version 2 enables users to dynamically define and free named sets of output descriptors. CALL COMMAND The CALL Command processor is enhanced to support SAA languages by enabling programs to pass parameters in upper and lower case. This enhancement supports SAA as the C language interface of SAA requires parameter lists to be mixed case. MVS/XA FEATURE DESCRIPTION REXX, Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS), Table Look-up and Call Command functions are the same as the MVS/ESA Feature, except that they do not utilize ESA/370. NATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT (NLS) This product contains World Trade National Language Support for eight (8) languages (Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, French, German, Spanish, Kanji, Hanguel, and Traditional Chinese) for both the MVS/ESA and MVS/XA Features. PUBLICATIONS For ordering information about publications that describe TSO Extensions Version 2, see the TSO/E GENERAL INFORMATION manual, GC28-1869, at general availability. UNLICENSED DOCUMENTATION: A memo, program directory, and one copy of the following publications are supplied automatically with the basic machine- readable material: Title Order Number -------------- ------------ Introducing TSO Extensions Version 2 GC28-1868-00 TSO/E V 2 Library Guide GC28-1866-00 TSO/E V 2 Master Index GC28-1867-00 TSO/E V 2 General Information GC28-1869-00 TSO/E V 2 Licensed Program Specifications GC28-1870-00 TSO/E V 2 Customization SC28-1872-00 TSO/E V 2 Administration SC28-1873-00 TSO/E V 2 Programming Guide SC28-1874-00 TSO/E V 2 Programming Services SC28-1875-00 TSO/E V 2 CLISTs SC28-1876-00 TSO/E V 2 Programmers Guide to the SC28-1877-00 Server-Requester Programming Interface TSO/E V 2 System Programming Command Ref SC28-1878-00 TSO/E V 2 Primer GC28-1879-00 TSO/E V 2 User's Guide SC28-1880-00 TSO/E V 2 Command Reference SC28-1881-00 TSO/E V 2 REXX User's Guide SC28-1882-00 TSO/E V 2 REXX Reference SC28-1883-00 VM/PC User's Guide for MVS Host Services SC28-1884-00 TSO/E V 2 VM/PC Commands for Host SV23-0003-00 Services (Diskette) TSO Messages GC28-1885-00 TSO/E V 2 Quick Reference GX23-0026-00 TSO/E V 2 Directory of Programming GC28-1887-00 Interfaces for Customers LICENSED DOCUMENTATION: The following licensed material and microfiche will be available from Copenhagen. To order, contact your IBM marketing representative. The first copy is available at no charge to licensees of basic material. Title Order Number TSO/E System Diagnosis: LY28-1886-00 Guide and Index TSO/E System Diagnosis: LY28-1887-00 REXX and CLIST TSO/E System Diagnosis: LY28-1888-00 Command Processors A-L TSO/E System Diagnosis: LY28-1889-00 Command Processors M-Z TSO/E System Diagnosis: LY28-1890-00 Terminal Monitor Program and Service Routines TSO/E Session Manager LY28-1891-00 Logic Manual TSO/E Data Areas LYB8-1892-00 TECHNICAL INFORMATION SPECIFIED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT MACHINE REQUIREMENTS: HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS MVS/ESA FEATURE: TSO/E Version 2 will run on any IBM processor supported by MVS/System Product Version 3. TSO Extensions Version 2 operates on any IBM terminal currently supported by MVS/System Product Version 3, and supported by IBM Network Program Products as a TSO terminal. The full-screen logon, the Interactive Data Transmission Facility, the Session Manager, and the Information Center Facility support: o IBM 3270 Information Display System Terminals - 3275 Models 2 and 12 - 3276 Models 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, and 14 - 3277 Model 2 - 3278 Models 2, 3, 4, and 5 - 3279 Models 2A, 2B, 2X, 3A, 3B, 3X, S2A, S2B, and S3G (base color mode). o IBM 3178 Display Terminal Models C1, C2, C3, and C4 o IBM 3179 Display Terminal Model 1 o IBM 3179 Display Terminal Model G (Supported in alphanumeric mode) o IBM 3180 Display Terminal Models 100 and 110 o IBM 3191 Display Terminal Models A30, A40, B30, B40, D, E, and L o IBM 3192 Color Display Terminal Models A, B, C, D, F, G, L, and W o IBM 3194 Display Terminal o IBM 3290 Information Panel o IBM Personal Computer (configured for 3278/79 support) o Any other IBM terminal that functions in compatibility mode with the terminals listed above. Notes: o A minimum screen size of 24 lines by 80 characters is required. o The following Information Center Facility supported licensed programs have special terminal considerations. See the specific program descriptions for details: - GDDM (5748-XXH) - Information Center Facility APL-based products To fully use all the PRINTDS SYSOUT operands requires an IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS MVS/XA FEATURE: TSO Extensions Version 2 will run on any IBM processor supported by the MVS/System Product Version 2. TSO Extensions Version 2 operates on any IBM terminal currently supported by MVS/System Product Version 2, and supported by IBM Network Program Products as a TSO terminal. The full-screen logon, the Interactive Data Transmission Facility, the Session Manager, and the Information Center Facility support is the same as the MVS/ESA Feature. PROGRAMMING REQUIREMENTS: SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS MVS/ESA FEATURE: The TSO/E Version 2 MVS/ESA Feature requires MVS/System Product Version 3, Release 1.0, or later with its co-requisites. TSO Extensions Version 2 Information Center Facility users require ISPF Version 2 Release 3 (5665-319), or a subsequent release of ISPF. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS MVS/XA FEATURE: TSO Extensions Version 2 MVS/XA Feature requires MVS/SP Version 2, Release 2.0, or later, with its co-requisites. Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) is supported 3Q89. TSO Extensions Version 2 Information Center Facility users require ISPF Version 2 Release 3 (5665-319), or a subsequent release of ISPF. COMPATIBILITY/MIGRATION: TSO/E Version 2 is a complete replacement for TSO/E Version 1. Most applications will run with no modifications, for either the MVS/XA or the MVS/ESA Feature, except as noted below. There may be some incompatibilities in migrating from TSO/E Version 1 Release 4 to TSO/E Version 2 if user applications create Stack Elements without using the TSO/E Stack Service. PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Functional enhancements to both TSO/E Version 2 and MVS/SP Version 3 provide potential for performance improvements for installations running complex CLISTs with significant I/O contention for CLIST libraries. Significant improvements in processing of CLISTs has been achieved through the use of a new MVS/SP Version 3 service, Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF). An internal representation of a CLIST is stored in VLF via the Advanced Address Space Facilities and is then retrieved and executed from VLF until the CLIST is modified. Measurements of various CLISTs in a test environment showed improvements ranging from 10% to 90%. USER GROUP REQUIREMENTS: SATISFACTION OF USER REQUIREMENTS: TSO/E Version 2 addresses numerous customer requests and satisfies (partially or fully) the following requirements submitted by the designated IBM User Group. ENHANCEMENT USER REQUIREMENT Authorized LOGON GUIDE GO1TSO85004 Authorized LOGOFF GUIDE GO1TSO85001 REXX SHARE SOMVSE85150 EUROP ESTSOS87007 Authorized testing SHARE SBMVSI83816 GUIDE GO1TSO85006 MVS Interactive Strategy GUIDE GO1TSO00102 Direction White Paper Note: the above is shown in the original announcement letter format. |